Plant Projects for Third Grade

Plant Projects for Third Grade
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Plant Life Cycle Lesson Plan

Tell the students that a plant life cycle is similar to that of an animal life cycle because it evolves and grows, until death. It repeats itself, hence representing a circle. To help children understand this concept, show them a circle. Review the last lesson in the series, a butterfly life cycle, and compare a plant life cycle to the butterfly life cycle.

You will need:

  1. Poster Board
  2. Markers
  3. Crayons
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue
  6. Pictures of plant stages


  1. Have students draw a big circle on the poster board.
  2. Remind students of the four plant life cycle stages. They are seed, seedling, bud, and flower.
  3. Have the students find a picture of a seed in a magazine and paste it at the top of the circle. This is the starting point. If the student does not have a picture of a seed, then he or she can draw the seed.
  4. The second stage is the seedling stage. This is drawn or pasted on the right side of the circle. The life cycle is depicted in a clockwise manner.
  5. Have your student draw an arrow from stage one to stage two.
  6. Begin stage three at the bottom of the circle. This is the bud stage. The seedling sprouts a bud. The student can draw this or find a picture of it and paste it in place.
  7. Draw an arrow from stage two to stage three.
  8. Stage four should be placed on the right side of the circle. It should be a picture of a fully blossomed flower.
  9. Draw an arrow from stage three to stage four.
  10. Draw an arrow from stage four back to stage one. Discuss how the flower is full of seeds that, when pollinated, start the plant life cycle all over again.

This lesson would also compliment a lesson about flower parts, and pollination.

This post is part of the series: Third Grade Science Projects

This is a series of science projects that can be completed by third grade students.

  1. Science Projects for Third Grade: The Butterfly Life Cycle
  2. Science Projects for Third Grade: The Plant Life Cycle
  3. Science Projects for Third Grade: Experimenting with Cereal
  4. Third Grade Science: Peanut Butter
  5. Projects for Third Grade: Observing the Sky with a Sky Map