Social Studies Lesson Plan Using Cooperative Learning

Social Studies Lesson Plan Using Cooperative Learning
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Social Studies Lesson Plan Using Cooperative Learning

The social studies lesson plan in this article is a follow-up to a lesson plan on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.This lesson plan allows to students to analyze information and use their creativity and communication skills to share what they’ve learned with their classmates.It is a cooperative learning lesson for use in a middle school or high school social studies class.

Lesson Focus: To provide students with the opportunity to integrate their new knowledge about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with their communication and writing skills. It is a social studies lesson plan using cooperative learning.

Performance Objective: Students will further their understanding of Israeli and Palestinian history through dialog with classmates and a cooperative learning activity.

Time: Three to Four Class Periods

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Educational Standards Met:

NCSS (National Council for the Social Studies) Thematic Standard: IX. Global Connections.

NSS (National Social Sciences) -WH.5-12.1 ERA 9: The 20th Century since 1945:Promises and Paradoxes.1c.

Lesson Outline

  1. Divide students into groups of three to five.

  2. As a class review the list of issues, facts, and terms created in the first lesson in this series and decide which are the most important. (Possible list items are included below.)

  3. From the shortened list created in Step 2, assign each group one item.(Depending on the size of the list, Step 2 might not be necessary.)

  4. Assignment (To be started in class)

a) Write a two- or three-paragraph explanation of the given term, issue or fact.

b) Develop a method for sharing this with the class with an emphasis on creativity.(I.e.-Power Point presentation, notes on the board, handout or pamphlet, photos, original song, poem, etc.)

c) A description of the presentation should be submitted for approval either at the end of the class meeting or a set deadline.

  1. On an assigned day, groups will present their topic and be prepared to answer questions from the class. Each group will probably need at least fifteen minutes. Copies of the group’s written explanation and presentation tool should be given to the teacher.

Possible List

Fatah: Palestinian political party begun by Yasir Arafat in the 1950s.

Egyptian involvement in the recent truce

Ehud Olmert: Israeli Prime Minister.

Yasir Arafathttp: Former President of the Palestinian Authority and Chairman of the Palestine Liberation. Deceased in 2004, Arafat was a dichotomy who, although, a known terrorist, was a winner of the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts toward peace with Israel.

Mahmoud Abbas: President of the Palestinian Authority. Belongs to Fatah.

Knesset-Israel’s Parliament.It has one house, or is unicameral.

Hezbollah: Militant Shiite Muslim group that uses violence against Israel.

This post is part of the series: Lesson Plans on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

A two-part series of social studies lesson plans on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. The first lesson focuses on the history of the conflict and the second is a cooperative learning activity that deals with the issues surrounding the turmoil.

  1. History Lesson Plan: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  2. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan