Spanish Lesson Plan on El Cuerpo
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Basic Body Vocabulary

Body related vocabulary is especially useful when learning a foreign language. Whether you need to make a doctors visit or just want to relay a story, being able to have a basic body vocabulary is extremely useful. This lesson plan and fun activities on el cuerpo will help you to teach the subject effectively and efficiently. In order to teach this lesson you must have enough butcher paper for all of your students and some markers for drawing on the butcher paper. You will also need a whiteboard and index cards with the vocabulary terms on them.


1. First, introduce the words to your students. Using your white board, write the words and their English translations and have the class repeat them to you. You can also draw a stick figure on the board and label the body parts as you go along. A suggested word list would include the following words:

la cara- the face

los ojos- the eyes

los orejas- the ears

la boca- the mouth

la nariz- nose

el cuerpo- the body

el mano- the hand

el pecho- the chest

la espalda- the back

la rodilla- the knee

las nalgas- the butt

la cintura- the waist

la cabeza- the head

el pie- the foot

las piernas- the legs

el cuello- the neck

los hombros-the shoulders

el brazo- the arm

el codo- the elbow

el estómago- the stomach

los dedos del pie- toes

los dedos- fingers

Have them point to where the body part is as they chant along with you for practice.

2. Next, start practicing the vocabulary. Do this using a quick game of “Teacher says” using “El maestro dice…” if it is a younger class, or “El professor dice…” if it is a college age class. Go slowly and ease into it. This game is especially good for younger students, but works well with the older students also. By making them move and physically touch the body part, it reinforces the vocabulary and gets them to think of the word in just Spanish without translating into English first. If you have more time, feel free to use one of the extension activities and modifications below for additional practice.

3. Following the game of “Teacher says”, have the students sit down for more practice. Make students turn over any books or papers they have on their desks or tables for a final review of “el cuerpo” vocabulary. Using index cards or flash cards with the vocabulary words on them (English on one side, Spanish on the other), ask for the English translation of Spanish words at first. Then switch and ask for the Spanish translation of English words.

4. A final way to review the vocabulary is with the song “Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas y Dedos del pie” or “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”. It should be sung to the same tune as the English song. The lyrics are as follows:

“Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y dedos del pie,

rodillas y dedos del pie

Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y dedos del pie

rodillas y dedos del pie

Ojos y orejas y boca y nariz,

Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y dedos del pie

rodillas y dedos del pie.

Extension Activities

1. If you have the time for further practice, an activity that works well with groups of all ages is to make physical outlines of their bodies and label them. Divide the class into partners and give each pair a piece of butcher paper and a marker. Using the marker, have them trace the outline of their partner’s body onto butcher paper. They can then label the different body parts in Spanish and English for a more hands on approach to language learning.

2. The “Teacher says” activity can also be expanded to make it a student-centered activity. Divide the class into groups of five. Each group can then play “Teacher says” as a group with the winner of each round getting to be the teacher in the next one.


Assessments for this lesson and activities on “el cuerpo” can be made through:

  • Observation
  • Class participation during song and games
  • Drawings