Top Ideas for Preschool Halloween Projects
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Teacher Prep

To prepare for these Halloween projects, teachers will need to gather some or all of the materials listed below. Pick one or use them all!

You may also want to combine these activities with other lessons. For example, you can combine a ghost project with the letter Gg lesson plan. Students should be able to use scissors, glue and tape for these projects.

Halloween Candy Bag

To complete this project, you will need the materials listed below.

  • A paper sack for each student
  • A variety of colored construction paper.
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Yarn

Halloween Masks

To complete this project, you will need the materials listed below.

  • Paper plates
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Yarn
  • Colored construction paper

Ghostly Images

To complete this project, you will need the materials listed below.

  • Bowls
  • Cotton balls or paint brushes
  • Baby oil
  • Construction paper

The Projects

These preschool Halloween projects are best done when they are completed after reading a Halloween story and listening to some fun Halloween music. Music boosts creativity in everyone, including children! Let them listen as they create and you may be surprised by how much more fun you all have. Follow the instructions below to complete one or all of these projects.

Halloween Candy Bag

Have your students create these candy bags, then have each student bring in a treat to put in each other’s bags for a fun Halloween party!

  1. Give each student a paper bag.
  2. Make sure students have access to glue, scissors and construction paper.
  3. Help students to make Halloween scenes using the construction paper, scissors and glue. As they cut each piece, have them glue the design to the Halloween bag.
  4. Help students to put their names on the back of their bags after they finish decorating them.
  5. Cut two 6" pieces of yarn for each student. You can either put two holes in either side of their bags, thread the yarn through and tie a knot at the end, tape or staple the yarn “handles” to their bags.
  6. Now fill the bags with Halloween treats for your Halloween party!

Halloween Masks

Talk about what students plan to be for Halloween. Ask students to create their own scary character and make a mask for it!

  1. Give each student a paper plate.
  2. Ask students to create a scary character using construction paper and paint on the mask. Help students by showing them how to draw scary eyebrows or how to tear construction paper to make sharp teeth!
  3. Cut and staple a piece of yarn to either side of the students “scary faces”.
  4. Place the “mask” on the student and mark where the eyes would go.
  5. Cut slits so that the students can see and breathe out of their masks.
  6. Play a game using the masks by having students identify what kind of scary monster the mask is.

Ghostly Images

Talk with students about ghosts and how they are represented on television. Inform students that they are going to be making ghostly images today to celebrate Halloween.

  1. Let students each pick a color of construction paper to use.
  2. Give each student a bowl or ask students to share a bowl.
  3. Put a small amount of baby oil in the bowl.
  4. Show students how to draw with the baby oil using cotton or paint brushes.
  5. When the drawings are done, help students to hold them up to a bright light so that they can see the ghostly images they have created!