Free Preschool Worksheets: Teaching Preschoolers to Match Upper and Lower Case Letters

Free Preschool Worksheets: Teaching Preschoolers to Match Upper and Lower Case Letters
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Letter Matching

The ability to match upper and lower case letters is an important pre-reading skill for preschoolers to learn. Fortunately, there are

several online resources available that will allow you to download free preschool worksheets. Matching upper and lower case letters may be challenging at first, but with practice, preschoolers will be able to master this skill before Kindergarten. In addition to free downloadable preschool worksheets, it is also possible to create your own games and worksheets.

Free Online Resources

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Kids Learning Station: This website contains several preschool worksheets, matching upper and lower case letters. The worksheets focus on just a few letters at a time, giving you a chance to teach letters in small groups rather than overwhelming children with all the letters at once.

Lil Bunny Hops: This website also contains several free printable worksheets for matching upper and lower case letters. Also broken into small letter groups, the worksheets available here will not overwhelm your preschoolers. Featured here is a worksheet just for vowel matching, as well as several worksheets for consonants.

Enchanted Learning: The worksheets available on this website are slightly different than the others listed. While they also have worksheets available in small groups of letters, there are pictures next to each letter to help children with matching. For example, the capital “A” has an apple next to it, while the lower case “a” has a picture of an anchor next to it.

Amazing Worksheets: This website is a tremendous resource for all kinds of appropriate preschool worksheets. The best part is that all the worksheets are printable and free, and access does not require an account or password.

Letter/Shape Matching: This worksheet adds the extra visual cue of shapes to the vowel matching activity; a good beginner worksheet for very young preschoolers.

Create Your Own Activities

In addition to the online resources listed above, why not create your own preschool worksheets? Matching upper and lower case letters can be learned through games and activities, as well. Crafting your own teacher made games for letter matching is economical and allows you the freedom to create activities that you know your class will love.

Mitten Matching: Using a mitten stencil, trace and cut out 52 mittens, creating 26 pairs. Color each mitten pair exactly the same using markers and adding patterns to each pair if necessary. Place one upper case letter and its corresponding lower case letter on each pair of mittens. Laminate the game for durability.

Letter Puzzles: Create your own two-piece letter puzzles using cardboard or posterboard. Place an upper case and lower case letter on each piece of the puzzle. Be sure to cut each puzzle pair differently to create a self-correcting activity. Laminate pieces for durability.

Memory: Create a memory game as a more challenging activity for older preschoolers. Children must pair upper and lower case letter pieces in order to create a pair.