Powerpoint Activity for Learning Basic Angle Types

Powerpoint Activity for Learning Basic Angle Types
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Must-Know Material

Ensure your students know the basic angle types inside out. This mathematics activity takes no time to prepare. All you need is a viewing screen and some paper for the students’ answers.

How to Use This Activity

This activity could be used in several ways. For example:

  • As an introductory lesson to check what students already know
  • As a check-up immediately after teaching basic angle types
  • As part of a check-up at the end of a unit of work on angles
  • With ESL students or those who have trouble spelling
  • In any other way you see fit!

There is another version of this activity, using cards instead of Powerpoint. Which of these ideas you select and use will be determined by the make-up of your class. If students are at the same level, the Powerpoint might be more fun. If there is a real range of abilities, however, you would probably opt for the card version.

Powerpoint Version

Download the file you require by clicking on the links below:

Powerpoint file with images and anagrams (Easiest)

Powerpoint file with images only

Powerpoint file with anagrams only

  1. Divide the class into mixed ability groups of roughly equal ability spreads, with 3 or 4 students to a group. Each group can choose a team name.
  2. Each team should be given large plain paper on which they can do rough work or to write their answers.
  3. Explain that the teams will have to identify words associated with angles from images and/or anagrams (depending on which version you have chosen). The fastest team gets 3 points; the next fastest gets 2 points. [The teacher decides about spelling mistakes, e.g. onje point may be given for a correct answer with spelling mistakes.]
  4. Show the Powerpoint, one slide at a time. A runner from each team should rush to you with the correctly spelled answer. [Or they could be first to put their hand up, if you prefer.] The second slide of each pair shows the correct answer.
  5. Award the points as detailed above. Continue with the next pair of slides.