Classroom Reader Response Activities for My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

Classroom Reader Response Activities for My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
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Questions for Classroom Discussion

1. Do you think Kate and Anna’s parents had the right to have Anna to “save” Kate? Why or why not?

2. How did the author (Jodi Picoult) think of the this book? Is this a common issue that many families have to deal with?

3. What are the moral, psychological, ethical and physical issues discussed in this book? How do you feel about each one?

4. What would YOU do in this situation?

5. How do you feel about the ending?

Author Critique

Write two paragraphs critiquing the author. Each paragraph will focus on a specific decision that the author made in regards to style, form, theme, structure or plot.

  • Each paragraph must contain a topic sentence, one quotation from the book, and an explanation.
  • Sample topic sentence: In Jodi Picouolt’s book, My Sister’s Keeper, the characterization of Anna was very interesting.

Media Connection

Write two paragraphs that explain a connection to ONE form of media. For example, give two reasons why the Beatles reminds you of the movie Good Will Hunting.

  • Each paragraph must contain a topic sentence , one quote from the book, and one explanation of the alternative media.
  • Sample topic sentence: In Jodi Picoult’s book, My Sister’s Keeper, Anna’s character was very similar to the book character of Amy Silverstein in Sick Girl.

Memorable Passage

Write two paragraphs that will focus on a different passage from the book.

  • Each paragraph must contain the direct phrase or quotation from the book, a topic sentence, and an explanation.
  • Sample topic sentence: The above quote in Jodi Picoult’s book, My Sister’s Keeper, is fascinating because it teaches a valuable lesson about determination.

Personal Connection

Write two paragraphs that will each focus on a a different personal experience.

  • Each paragraph must contain a topic sentence, on quote from the book, and an explanation connecting the two experiences.
  • Sample topic sentence: In Jodi Picoult’s book, My Sister’s Keeper, Anna’s relationship with her sister, Kate, is very similar to my relationship with my sister.

Drama or Art Activity

It’s likely that a majority of students in your classroom don’t ’love’ to write. Drama is another way to respond to books.

You can add these as extra activities, or offer them as alternatives to writing assignments. Studies have shown that students tend to do a better job when they have choices in what they create for their assignments.

  • After students read the book, they can break into groups and recreate the book in a play. The students can decide the most important characters in the book and how they want to portray each character. They can practice their play and then perform for the other group, other classrooms, or family and friends. This also helps them improve their listening and speaking skills.
  • For students who love to draw, have them create a collage of the book. They can paint, draw, or create a mural of their book to showcase to the class.