Spanish Business Phrases: Vocabulary and Phrases to Make Your Business Communication in Spanish Easier and More Precise

Spanish Business Phrases: Vocabulary and Phrases to Make Your Business Communication in Spanish Easier and More Precise
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Spanish is rapidly becoming more widely used, both professionally and economically. This article aims at extending your knowledge of

Spanish business phrases by providing some essential vocabulary of terms used in business in general, on the telephone and in business correspondence. Spanish and English share many cognates, so I have not included many words which can be easily guessed. I have tried to concentrate on those which, while they may still be easily recognizable, have a slight twist to their meaning.

General Terms

el apoyo técnico - technical support

el asociado - associate

el consultor - consultant

los contratos - contracts

redactar un contrato - to draw up a contract

el gerente - manager

los materiales - supplies

las relaciones públicas - public relations

el seminario - seminar

la solicitude - application

Kinds of Business

el comercio - commerce

la compañía - company

la firma - firm

la franquicia - franchise

los seguros mutuos - mutual

el subsidiario - subsidiary

el conglomerado - conglomerate

Types of Products and Services

la contabilidad - accounting

la banca - banking

la consultoría - consulting

la exportación - exporting

la importación - importing

el mercadeo - marketing

The Telephone

El extensión - extensión

Diga - Hello

Con quién hablo -To whom am I speaking

De parte de quién - Who’s speaking (calling)?

No cuelgue por favor - Hold the line please

Puede volver a llamar más tarde? - Could you call back later?

Le volvere a llamar - I will call back

Se ha cortado - We were cut off

No consigo hablar - I can’t get through

Ahora se pone - He/She is coming

Está comunicando - It (the line ) is busy

Quiere dejar algún recado? - Would you like to leave a message?

Se ha equivocado de número - You’ve got the wrong number

Esta es el contestador automático - This is the answering machine

Por favor, deje su mensaje después de oír la señal – Please leave your message after the beep (tone)


Muy señor mío - Dear Sir

Muy señores míos - Dear Sirs

Muy señora mía - Dear Madam

Le(s) saluda(n) atentamente - Yours faithfully

Acusamos recibo de - We acknowledge receipt of

Con referencia a - With reference to

Con relación a su carta del 5 de agosto… - Further to your letter of August 5…

Con relación a nuestra conversación telefónica - Further to our telephone conversation

Le adjunta…/Le adjuntamos - Please find enclosed
