German Vocabulary for Outdoor Activities and the Weather

German Vocabulary for Outdoor Activities and the Weather
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When you go to visit a foreign country, you need to stop being afraid of getting out and about just because you don’t know the language! There are many great outdoor activities to participate in, and if you can learn the words for these activities, you can navigate pretty well.

If you are avoiding going outside because you don’t know how cold (or hot) it is, then don’t worry! Germany uses the Celsius measure for temperature, and you can learn how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in no time at all.


Germany is filled with a variety of different landscapes. This makes the country exciting to explore, and it provides a variety of outdoor activities. One of the best ways to see the countryside - of any place you will visit, really - is to go hiking. When you go hiking, you’ll want to be equipped properly, so be sure you learn these vocabulary words to help you explain what it is you would like to do while out in der Wald mit Bäume (trees) und Tiere (animals).

  • Hiking - wandern
  • Walking - laufen
  • Running - rennen
  • Backpack - der Rucksack
  • Boots - die Stiefel
  • Socks - die Socken
  • Pants - die Hosen
  • Windbreaker - der Anorak
  • Hiking map - die Wanderkarte
  • Hiking path - der Wanderweg
  • Road sign - der Wegweiser
  • Food - der Proviant
  • Rocks - der Felsen
  • Lake - der See
  • Steep - steil

After much hiking, you will most likely need to rest, preferably in eine Hütte", literally a hut. alternatively, you can find small inns to stay in, which provide hot and cold drinks, hearty sandwiches, and magnificent views. To ensure that the place you’re staying in has the amenities you need, here are some words to use.

  • View - der Ausblick
  • Hot and cold drinks - die heisse und kalte Getraenke
  • sandwiches - die belegte Brote (in Bavaria called: Brotzeit)

Der Strand

Wollen Sie an den Strand gehen?

During the summer, and on hot days, it’s nice to escape to the beach. There are many different activities one can partake in on the beach - from swimming to sailing. Arm yourself with the proper vocabulary so that you can be sure that the activities you want to participate in are available at the beach you’ll be visiting.

  • Beach - der Strand
  • To swim - schwimmen
  • To dive - tauchen
  • To sail - segeln
  • For hire - zu mieten
  • Boat - das Boot
  • Buoy - die Boje
  • Lifeguard - der Retter
  • Sunbed - die Liege
  • Umbrella - der Sonnenschirm
  • Safety - die Sicherheit
  • Flags - die Fahnen
  • To row - rudern
  • Rowing boat - das Ruderboot
  • Fishing - angeln
  • Fishing rod - die Angelrute


Möchten Sie lieber reiten?

Horseback riding is both a fun and a romantic activity. Not only can you see more of the German countryside than you would in a car, but you can save your legs for later. Take a horseback ride into a romantic spot, secure your horses, and then settle in for a picnic. Make sure you stick to the riding paths - designated as der Reiterpfad - when on your adventure. That way, you can be sure you will be safe.

  • Farm - der Bauernhof
  • Farmer - der Bauer
  • Holidays (vacation) - die Ferien
  • Horseback riding - reiten
  • Horse - das Pferd
  • Saddle - der Sattel
  • Horse hire - die Leihpferde
  • Horse carriage - die Kutsche
  • lessons - der Unterricht
  • bridle - der Zaum
  • stirrup - der Steigbuegel
  • breeches - die Reithose
  • helmet - der Helm
  • gloves - die Handschuhe

Das Picknick und das Camping

Picknick machen Spa ß

Whether you’ve hiked to a vista point or you’ve taken a horseback ride, a picnic can be a great outdoor activity. Make sure you have all the provisions for eating in a beautiful area. If you’re really adventurous, and the weather is great, you might also consider camping overnight in your chosen area.

  • picnic - das Picknick
  • meadow - die Weise
  • blanket - die Decke
  • picnic basket - der Picknickkorb
  • insects - die Insekten
  • repellent - das Insektenspray
  • camping - das Camping
  • tent - das Zelt
  • sleeping bag - der Schlafsack
  • torch - die Taschenlampe
  • campsite - der Campingplatz
  • gas stove - der Gaskocher
  • gas bottle - die Gasflasche
  • hooks - der Haken

Die Sports

Gehen Sie Skifahren in Deutschland

In German, sports have similar names to their English counterparts. For example, tennis is Tennis. Remember that American football is not the same as Fußball, or soccer. Additionally, there are many winter sports that people can participate in which are a lot of fun when the weather turns cold and snowy.

  • tennis-court - der Tennisplatz
  • Racquet - der Tennisschlaeger
  • Net - das Netz
  • Teacher - der Lehrer
  • Skiing - Skilaufen
  • Ski - die Schier
  • sledge - der Schlitten
  • snow - der Schnee
  • beginners slope - der Idiotenhuegel
  • ice skates - die Schlittschuhe
  • skating ring - die Eisbahn
  • ice - das Eis

The Weather Report

It is so important that you pay attention to the weather when you’re planning on participating in outdoor activities. You’ll want to know whether it’s too hot to hike or too cold to ski (yes, there is such a thing). You’ll also need to know how to translate Celsius readings into Farenheit readings - otherwise, you could be in for an unwelcome surprise.

  • weather - das Wetter
  • weather forecast - der Wetterbericht
  • travel forecast - der Reisewetterbericht
  • weatherman - der Wettermann (Meteorologe)
  • sky - der Himmel
  • clear - klar
  • overcast - bewoelkt
  • sunny - sonnig
  • thunderstorm - das Gewitter
  • thunder - der Donner
  • lightening - der Blitz
  • rain - der Regen
  • drizzle - der Spruehregen
  • icy - das Glatteis
  • fog - der Nebel
  • dense - dicht
  • patchy - stellenweise
  • cloud - die Wolke
  • cloudy - bewoelkt
  • in part - stellenweise
  • wind - der Wind
  • storm - der Sturm
  • category - die Windstaerke
  • heat wave - die Hitzewelle
  • temperature - die Temperatur
  • minus - unter dem Nullpunkt

Temperatures in Germany are given in Celsius.(C) Here are some examples, converted into Fahrenheit (F):

  • -18 C = 0 F
  • -9 C = 15 F
  • 0 C (freezing point) = 32 F
  • 10 C = 50 F
  • 20 C = 68 F
  • 30 C = 86 F
  • 35 C = 95 F
  • 38 C = 100 F
  • 100 C = 212 F

By familiarizing yourself with the key terminology associated with weather and outdoor activities in Germany, you can easily navigate the things you’d like to participate in while visiting the country. As a suggestion, once you’ve familiarized yourself with some of the terms, you may wish to practice what you know by writing short dialogues.
