Lesson Plan to Teach English: Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan to Teach English: Preschool Lesson Plan
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English Lesson for Preschool

Use this lesson plan to teach English. Preschool students will enjoy the physical movement and variety of activities in this lesson plan on prepositions.

Break up these activities into short blocks of time throughout your day. Reinforce the new words in different settings such as in the classroom and outside if you have a play yard in which you can move around easily. You might also consider doing just one or two of these activities and doing others on other days of the week.

Time: Total of 1.25 hours

Level: Beginning-Preschool

Objective: Learn basic prepositions

Target Language: in, out, on, over, under, in front, behind, next to

Materials: ball/small toy, box/basket, small toys/animals for each student

Activity 1

In your circle time at the beginning of the day, show students a box or basket with a ball or small toy in it. Move the ball or small toy to different positions around and in the box or basket. Say where the ball or toy is each time you move it. For example, “The ball is in the box. [Move the ball out of the box.] The ball is out of the box.” Do this several times. Then let students try the same activity, saying where the ball is. Physically moving the ball themselves and saying the prepositions out loud helps preschoolers remember the meaning of each one. (15 minutes)

Activity 2

Clear a space in your classroom for physical movement of the whole class. You could also do this outside. Tell the students to stand next to you, behind you, or in front of you. You can even have students jump over you if you lay on the floor. As students do the action themselves and in a new environment outside the classroom, they will expand their knowledge of the application of prepositions in English as well as reinforce their definitions. The more preschoolers can touch and do an activity to learn a lesson themselves, the more they will remember it. (15 minutes)

Activity 3

Give each student a toy in the class. Tell the students where to put their toys. You could tell them to put them under a chair or table, on their heads, or next to them. Pick up the pace when students are more comfortable with the target prepositions. The faster pace forces students to think more quickly about the English preposition and apply their knowledge of the preposition in a physical way. (15 minutes)

Activity 4

For a sit-down activity, have students cut and paste pictures of objects or cutouts in different positions on a piece of paper with a picture of a large square or other shape. You could use cutouts of circles, triangles, or other shapes if your students know the names of shapes (or animal pictures if you have already learned animal vocabulary, for example). Tell them to glue the picture of a triangle next to the box, for instance. Then move on, telling them to glue the square under the square. Seeing the application of prepositions’ meanings on paper and putting objects on the paper themselves in the correct locations will help them remember the new words. (15 minutes).

Activity 5

Create an obstacle course in your room. Tell the students to do activities such as stand next to a friend, and then walk around the table two times, sit in a chair, and do other activities with prepositions. Incorporate classroom objects that students can hold and move. For example, tell students in one part of the obstacle course to put a bean bag on their heads and walk across the room. (15 minutes.)

These activities can be done several times over the span of a week to reinforce them. Repetition is important not only in learning a new language but also as a learning tool for preschoolers. Prepositions will become easy for your students through this lesson plan to teach English. Preschool students enjoy the variety of activity and the constant movement as well.
