A Table of Contents for Tips and Help With Fractions Homework

A Table of Contents for Tips and Help With Fractions Homework
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Fraction Interaction

A wide variety of activities, skill specific, are included in this section of articles. From basic fraction rules to working with mixed

fractions, the steps for working with fractions correctly are provided here. We all learned fractions when it was our turn in school, but sometimes it’s difficult to dredge up the correct skills when you’re helping a frustrated child.

Encourage your child to take the necessary learning risks associated with solving problems with fractions. Many times, errors lead to new learning. The links listed here can serve to guide your child in transforming their errors into new learning.

Whether your child needs to learn how to multiply, divide, add or subtract fractions, you will find what you need for him or her through the links listed here.

Targeting Grade-Level Fraction Skills

Skill-specific fraction practice according to your child’s grade level can be found here. The articles contained in this section address grade specific fraction skills from pre-k through grade 8. Use fun activities such as cooking to show your child just why we all need to learn math.

Choose the article with your child’s grade level to access specific grade-level fractions practice.

Understanding the Fraction Challenge

Read through these articles for tips on assisting your child with fractions homework. Gain an understanding of why your child may struggle with specific problems when working with fractions. By understanding why children struggle with fractions, you will be better prepared to assist them during homework time. You will also be better able to address your child’s fears and concerns and work through fraction problems more confidently.

The helpful tips presented in the articles listed here will increase your basic understanding of your child’s apprehensions as well as increase your own knowledge of fractions. They will assist you in helping your child master the skills needed to work with fractions successfully.

Tips and Strategies for Homework Success

As a parent, assisting with fraction homework may present a challenge. Instead, make it a bonding experience for you and your child as you solve problems together and seek out correct processes to complete fraction homework successfully. As the old adage goes, you’re your child’s first teacher — make it an enjoyable and rewarding experience with these tips, strategies and fraction activities found here.

Read through these articles for specific tips and guidance on helping your child overcome math phobia and succeed with fractions homework. Be prepared and knowledgeable for working with fractions while applying homework strategies to ensure your child finishes with increased confidence.

Math Success at Home for ADHD Children

Assisting with fractions homework is a challenge, but more of a challenge is assisting your ADHD child with fractions homework. Replace the frustration with accomplishment by applying the suggestions offered here.

Choose from this list of articles for specific tips and strategies when working with your ADHD child.

Fearless Fractions

Math phobia is common among school-aged children. But whether the difficulty with completing fraction assignments for homework is an actual phobia or a basic lack of understanding in working with fractions, there is a way to conquer it.

Combine the following elements for fraction success:

  • Apply skills for successfully helping with homework (refer to Tips and Strategies for Homework Success and Math Success at Home for ADHD Children sections)
  • Use effective examples and practice during fraction homework (refer to Fraction Interaction and Targeting Grade Level Fractions Skills sections)
  • Understand you child’s frustrations and learn about fractions yourself (Refer to Understanding the Fraction Challenge Section)

Combining these elements will lead to fraction success for your child, with or without ADHD. Gone are the frustrating homework sessions involving fractions.


  • Author’s Own Experience