Helping Others Preschool Lesson Plan & Activities
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Helping Others

At some point in our lives, we all will need the help of another. At some point, we all can be a help to someone in need. Children can learn early on that helping others is the responsible and right thing to do. They can learn that when they see someone in need of help, they should fill in if they are able to. They can learn that helping someone will also benefit them by making them feel good. They can benefit by paying it forward because there may come a day when someone has to help them. This Helping Others preschool lesson plan and activities will teach your students it is good to help others!

[caption id=“attachment_131063” align=“aligncenter” width=“640”]Use this Helping Other Preschool lesson plan and activities to teach your students about helping! Everyone can use an extra hand at some point![/caption]

Book: The Berenstain Bears Lend a Helping Hand

[caption id=“attachment_131064” align=“aligncenter” width=“683”]Helping Others lesson plans for preschool The Berenstain Bears Lend a Helping Hand is a great place to start![/caption]

The Berenstain Bears Lend a Helping Hand is a great selection for your class. This book was written by Stan and Jan Berenstain. They created a wonderful depiction on the importance of helping others along with illustrating the rewards received by the children for their help.

The book focuses around the children assisting a widow by helping her to clean her attic. They helped her to clean her house, and they learned a valuable lesson at the same time.

Your class will enjoy helping others preschool activities along with this book that can be ordered on or found at your local library.


  • Book Discussion - Once you have read the book, have a circle time discussion. Ask the children about the main characters and if they would have done things the same way that the Berenstain kids did. Ask the children if they have helped someone before. Ask the children to tell a little about whom they helped and how it made them feel.

  • Helping Others Game - You will need a basket, blocks, or other items. Make sure that you have a lot of items for the children to use to fill up in the basket in a short amount of time. Ask one of the children to fill the basket by themselves in a hurry. Once you see the child needs help, ask another child to go over to assist the other in filling the basket. Ask the first child if they felt like they needed the other child’s help. Ask the second child how it felt to help the other child fill the basket and do this until all the students have been helped or have played the role of the helper.

  • Artwork - Ask each child to make a drawing of them helping another. Write on a strip of paper how they helped someone in one sentence with their name and glue it to the bottom of the drawing. Ask each child to tell their story to the class.

I do not think there is one person alive that has not had help from someone else in their lives. Children must realize that it is okay to help and be helped too.

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay 

Berenstain Bears Lend a Helping Hand