Over 4 Dozen Ideas, Activities and Lesson Plans: Preschool Science Fun
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Science Begins in Preschool

Introducing science concepts to preschool students may seem like a huge undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. The important thing to

remember when planning ideas, activities and lesson plans for preschool science is to have fun and keep the lessons simple. Children should be able to experiment with scientific materials on their own, as well as experience a few teacher-directed activities and experiments each week. Many math, art and music activities can also have a science component, so be on the lookout for activities that can fulfill developmental skill needs in several different curriculum areas. Give preschoolers a strong foundation in science education by introducing them to the scientific method and discovery learning early.

Physical Science

Physical science is the study of non-living scientific phenomenon. For example, studying gravity, energy or temperature would all be considered in the branch of physical science. For preschool students, physical science activities and lessons would be very basic. The important thing about science learning is to make the lessons fun and engaging for the students, as well as ensuring that what the children are learning is relevant to their lives and interests. Try a few of these activities and experiments for lessons in physical science.

Life Science

Very different from physical science, life science is the study of living organisms and their relationships to other living and non-living organisms. Included in this branch of science is learning about mammals, reptiles and other animals, basic human biology such as body systems and body parts and the plant world. Life science is often fascinating to young children, and you can capitalize on their interests by planning lots of physical science activities for them to choose from. Start with a few of these activities and build your curriculum based on the children’s interests.

Earth Science

Earth science, as its name suggests, is the science of the earth, ecosystems and ecology. When discovering earth science, children can study land forms, weather, natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes and recycling and ecology. Outdoor exploration is essential to the study of earth science, so put on your rain boots and go for a hike! Browse through these activities and lesson plans and add some oomph to your earth science curriculum.

More Scintillating Science Studies

Perhaps you need a few hints for setting up your own science center in your preschool classroom. Or maybe you need some advice on how to implement a discovery learning curriculum in your classroom. Science, technology and discovery are important elements for any preschool classroom. Read below for a few extra tricks and tips for incorporating science into your preschool classroom each day.

It can be a challenge to add a science component to your preschool curriculum, especially if you are uncomfortable with scientific concepts, or believe that science is difficult for you to understand. Enjoy planning science activities with your class and learning alongside them. Even if you think science isn’t your thing, you may be surprised at the things you will learn when you go back to the science basics. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and keep it simple when you plan ideas, activities and lesson plans for preschool science.