Preschool Shape Songs: Learning About Shapes in a Fun Way
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Songs can be a fun way of learning about different shapes. Children usually have an innate understanding of shapes and can tell shape differences, but need to be told what a particular shape is called. Learning about shapes, comparing different shapes and talking about the shapes can help preschoolers develop speaking, reading, writing and math skills.

Here are a few preschool shape songs to sing. The preschoolers can act them out while singing. Make up your own tune.

Circle Song

Caterpillar, Caterpillar Circular

Was really rather Rectangular

And couldn’t fit in anywhere

Until he turned into a Square!

Triangle Song

What’s a Triangle to do?

It can’t be a Square

It can’t be a Rectangle

Squares and Rectangles have four sides

And Triangles have only three!

So what’s a Triangle to do?

It can’t be a Circle either!

And do you know why?

Because Circles are Round!

Song Incorporating All of the Shapes

Rory The Rectangle

Once got into a Tangle

With Terry The Triangle

And they went Round and Round

And Round and Round

From Circle To Circle

And Circle To Circle

Until they got to a Square

Then they sat down right there!

Shape Activities


  • Cardboard
  • Drawing paper
  • Colored papers
  • Scissors
  • Bangle
  • Chalk
  • Ruler
  • Colors - markers
  • Glue

Cut out different shapes - circles, squares, rectangles and triangles - from different colored papers. Stick them on the cardboard and cut out the cardboard shapes. Make sure there are two or four of each shape. Mix up the shapes and ask the preschooler to pick and separate similar ones.

Take the cardboard shapes and ask the preschooler to see what kinds of forms can be made by placing different shapes together.

Cut more shapes from the colored paper, but this time have the preschoolers glue the shapes on a drawing paper to make a collage.

Have the preschoolers look around the room and point out shapes that are circular, square, rectangular or triangular. Ask them about objects not in the room but familiar to them that are of the shapes they have studied.

Give the preschoolers drawing paper and have them draw the shapes they have studied. They can draw freehand or you can show them how to use a ruler. Use a bangle to draw a circle. You can also draw the shapes for them in pencil and have them trace over the pencil drawing with colored markers.

Draw chalk outlines of shapes on the floor and ask the preschoolers to hop along the outlines.