City Mouse, Country Mouse Lesson Plans for Kindergarten

City Mouse, Country Mouse Lesson Plans for Kindergarten
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Discussion of the Story

Read a modern variation of Aesop’s Fable “City Mouse and Country Mouse,” such as “City Mouse – Country Mouse” by John Wallner. Make sure that students understand the story by asking them questions, such as any of the following:

  • “How was the food at the city mouse’s house different from the food at the country mouse’s house?”
  • “How do you think the country mouse felt at the city mouse’s home?”
  • “Which home did the country mouse like better? Why?”

City vs. Country

Talk about the differences between the city and the country. Draw a T-chart on the board, and ask students which words could go in each column. When they run out of ideas, prompt them with questions like “Where would you most likely see cows – in the city or in the country?” or “Which would probably have more skyscrapers, the city or the country?”

Urban, Suburban, and Rural

Introduce students to the terms “urban,” “suburban,” and “rural.” Math “urban” with “city” and “rural” with “country.” Then discuss with them what a suburban area is? Ask students to identify the type of area they live in. Ask if they have ever been to one of the other types of areas, and encourage them to discuss their experiences with the rest of the class.


Distribute paper and art supplies to students. Encourage students to draw a picture of an area that is either urban (city), rural (country), or suburban. Then have them present their drawings to the class and ask their classmates to guess which area they have drawn. Alternatively, you can provide old magazines for students to clip pictures from. The pictures they choose should belong in an urban, suburban, or rural environment.

Country Dance

End this Kindergarten lesson plan with a rip-roaring lesson in country dancing. Have students choose partners, and teach them the basic country dancing moves such as do-si-do, promenade, bow, curtsey, left-hand-round, and right-hand-round. Then turn on some country music and dance!

Read on for another fun social studies lesson on rural and urban communities.