Lesson Plan on "Mr. Wiggle Loves to Read"

Lesson Plan on "Mr. Wiggle Loves to Read"
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Lesson Objectives

Objectives for primary students:

  • Students will read a variety of fiction and non fiction materials for different purposes.
  • Students will restate information in a short non-fiction text in their own words.
  • Students will write a short fiction text in their own words.

In order to meet these objectives, a story-based book like “Mr. Wiggle Loves to Read,” is ideal and one which students relate to.

Get Started

Gather your students together and show them the cover of the book. Ask them to describe what they see. Ask them what they think the book is about. What is the character on the book cover? Any ideas why he is called Mr. Wiggle? Who is the author? Who is the illustrator?

Share the book and discuss with the students the difference between fiction and non-fiction.

Have available a variety of books taken from the library corner. Place two signs on the floor, Fiction and Non-fiction. Invite the students to sort the books into the correct pile.


Library Pataskala 011

Plan a visit to the school library. Investigate where the non fiction books are. Make note that they are grouped together by subject. Then look at the fiction section. Note that these books are grouped in alphabetical order by the author. Ask for volunteers to find a non fiction book about worms. Ask for volunteers to find a fiction book written by Carol Thompson.

Invite strudents to write one or two sentences that illustrate a non fiction statement e.g. _I am a boy. My name is Dan ._Then ask them to write one or two sentences to illustrate a fictional statement, e.g., I have wings and can fly off the ground around this room.

Cut out a circle and add antennae and Mr. Wiggle’s face features, and tape them onto the classroom wall. Every time a book is read in the classroom by the teacher, or a student, add another circle to form a book worm. Each segment should have the book title, author,a notation of fiction or non fiction, and the person’s name who read it. Students could bring a note from their parents authenticating that they read a book at home so that they too may be added to the book worm. See how quickly you can add one hundred titles.

Mr Wiggle - The Inchworm

Mr Wiggle is an inchworm. He is a caterpillar but only has sets of legs at the front end and back end of his body. This causes him to draw the two sets of legs together in a looping walk. During gym activities invite students to try to replicate this looping motion with their hands and legs. Then suggest that they pretend that they have legs all along their bodies and they should wriggle along like other types of caterpillars.

Measure an inch. Cut a piece of yarn or string the same length. Ask students to make a picture of an inchworm. Measure the picture with the string or yarn. Is it longer, shorter or about the same?

What’s the Lesson?

This would make a great “first-visit-to-the- library” lesson plan. “Mr. Wiggle Loves to Read” is just one book of a series that teaches children about books and libraries through the lovable title character.


library picture: from morguefile.com

Inchworm facts: from Encyclopedia.com