Students Choose their Top 5 Scenes & Create Colorful Posters in this Literature Project

Students Choose their Top 5 Scenes & Create Colorful Posters in this Literature Project
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Drawing the Scenes

Reader Response: The Top Five List involves drawing the most crucial scenes to the plot of the story. These top five scenes will then be drawn in squares. Important lines from the text need to be inserted into the square as word balloons or at the bottom of the squares. The text should explain what is drawn in the square or be important dialogue or text from the story.

Items needed: favorite novel, poster board or large sheet of paper, markers, colored pencils, old magazines and scissors

Steps for Creating a Graphic Top Five List

  1. After reading the story, decide on the five most exciting or interesting scenes or events in the story. Rank them in order from one to five, with number one being the most important, exciting or interesting scene/event and number five being the least.
  2. At the top of the poster, the title of the book and author should be listed neatly.
  3. Make five large squares on a poster board or large sheet of paper. The squares should also be numbered from one-to-five, to correspond with the ranked list of scenes and events.
  4. Draw the ranked scenes in each of the five squares. Add lines of text that will describe what is happening in the scene. Word balloons should also be added to give voice to the main lines of the character. This can come directly from the story.
  5. Use colors to show the mood of the scenes and the emotions displayed by the characters. Magazine clippings can be used to add interest.
  6. When the poster is complete, write an essay describing why the five scenes were in your Top Five List for the novel. The essay should have an introduction, body and conclusion. Remember to include a rationale for determining the rank of each scene.

Evaluating the Scenes & Essay

To receive a top grade, ask your students to think about the following questions as they review their Top Five List:

  • Did you follow the directions?
  • Did you demonstrate a thorough understanding of the story’s plot and mood through the List?
  • Did you design an accurate drawing of each scene in the squares? Did you include a description or text?
  • Is the poster attractive, neat and interesting?
  • Did you explain the order of the squares in the essay? Did the essay include an introduction, body and conclusion?
  • Is the writing clear and error-free?

These posters are a creative reader response that can be displayed in the classroom. Students can share their favorite scenes posters with the class and perhaps persuade their classmates to read the book.