How to Teach Habitat as a Fifth Grade Science Smart Board Lesson?

How to Teach Habitat as a Fifth Grade Science Smart Board Lesson?
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Lesson Plan on Habitat

  • I Objectives
  • To enumerate the common habitats on earth
  • To give animals that live in a specific habitat
  • To design a healthy habitat for particular species

II Material: Smart boards

III Procedure:

A. Introduction to Habitat (10 minutes)

  • Using their smart boards, ask the students to draw or present a picture of their house and the people who live in them. Include the area surrounding their house.
  • After 5 minutes, pair up the students and let them share about the place where they live in.
  • Call 3 to 5 students to project their drawings or pictures on the teacher’s smart board and let them share about their house.

Discussion Questions:

  • What is the importance of having a house?
  • Where do you think other living things live?

B. Presentation of Types of Habitat (20-30 minutes)

  • With the aid of a smartboard, present pictures of the various types of habitat such as desert, grassland, ice land, coral reefs and tundra. The types of habitat to be presented depends on the teacher’s analysis of the habitat’s relevance and the students’ ability.
  • For each habitat presented, ask the students to give an animal or a plant that they think live on these habitats using the Smart Response application on their smart boards. With the help of the Smart Sync application on smart boards, the teacher can monitor each student’s participation and progress.
  • Ask the students to save their answers to guide them for review.

Discussion Questions:

  • What are the characteristics of each habitat presented?
  • In which countries can you find each habitat?
  • What are the animals or plants you can give that live on each habitat?
  • Why do you think these animals or plants can survive in those habitats?
  • What if some animals or plants that live in a particular habitat are transferred to another place? For example, what will happen if polar bears are transferred to savannahs? Or what if tigers are transferred to grasslands?
  • In connection to habitats, why do you think some animals can only be found in some places and not in others?
  • Do you think people can only survive in one particular habitat? Why or why not?

C. Designing a Habitat (10-15 minutes)

  • With a partner, ask the students to think of a simple habitat such as aquariums, zoos and gardens. Ensure that each pair will have a different habitat from the rest.
  • Using smart boards,they will design an ideal setting of the habitat they thought of including the animals that can live there.
  • Present their work in class. Allow feedback and suggestions from other students. This activity is the assessment part of the lesson.

D. Enrichment (for Homework)

  • Ask the students to do a research on extinct animals and what happened to their habitats.
  • Let them share their research to the class with the aid of the smart board.