Ramona Quimby Age 8 Activities
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Activate Prior Knowledge

Before reading Ramona Quimby, Age 8, activities to activate prior knowledge should be presented. Ask students how they felt on the first day of school and if they experienced any difficulties. Inquire if they have experienced problems in the home (they only have to respond if they are comfortable sharing) and how they got through it. Tell them that the main character, Ramona Quimby, experiences these difficulties as well and is able to learn and grow from them. Students can either discuss these questions together as a whole class by raising their hands or they can write a journal entry answering one of the questions presented.


While reading Ramona Quimby, Age 8,stop and ask questions about the story. Instruct them to make predictions. Go over any vocabulary words that are confusing and add it to a word list that they can review at a later time.

  • Recalling Facts : Give students a list of questions after each chapter and have them work in pairs to find the answers. Test the students to see if they can recall the information they have read and if they can look back in the story and find the answers.
  • Character Traits : Have students make a chart with the names of the main characters on it. As students read the story they can add traits under the characters names.
  • Conflict Resolution : Talk about how the characters encounter trouble in the story and ask them how it can be resolved. Have students share how they overcame conflict.
  • Main Idea : Teach the children about main idea by having them identify the main idea of the story and its themes.


Teachers can use Ramona Quimby, Age 8 activities to develop writing skills in their students. There are numerous opportunities to practice writing.

  • Book Report : Students can write a report that summarizes the story and gives opinions about it.
  • Make a Book : The children can retell the important events of the story by creating a book on it. Students can just write a sentence or two on each page. They can also include illustrations of their work.
  • Postcard : Students can summarize the story through postcards. The children can choose a friend and write to them pretending they are Ramona and they have gone through her experiences.
  • Answering Questions : Teachers can have the class write answers to questions about the story.
  • Vocabulary : Educators can choose vocabulary from the story and have the children write sentences for each one.

The Food Pyramid

Students can learn about nutrition science by reviewing information about the newest version of the food pyramid which groups foods by grains, vegetables, fruits, fats and oils, milk and dairy, and meat, beans fish and nuts. They can create a chart with the phrases “The Best School Lunches” and “The Worst School Lunches”. Group the students and have them write examples of healthy lunches under “The Best School Lunches” and examples of unhealthy food choices under “The Worst School Lunches” column.

Concluding Thoughts

Romana Quimby Age 8 activities can teach children about personal growth and getting through difficult times. The book is a great way to get elementary students interested in reading. If you have any additional activities you would like to share for this story please post them in the comment section.