How To Form Spanish Commands, or, Using the Imperative Mood

How To Form Spanish Commands, or, Using the Imperative Mood
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Forming Spanish Commands

First, it is important to remember that Spanish has two forms of the second person pronoun, or “you”. is the familiar second person pronoun, while usted (Ud.) is the formal second person pronoun. In addition, there are separate pronouns for the second person plural familiar (the less commonly used vosotros) and the second person plural familiar (ustedes/Uds.). In some cases, there is also a difference between the negative and affirmative form of a command.

All commands begin with the stem of the verb. The stem is what remains when you remove the –ar, -ir or –er of the infinitive, so the stem of hablar (to talk/speak) would be habl. However, in the case of irregular and stem-changing verbs, it may be easier to think of it as taking the first person singular or yo form of the verb and dropping the –o ending. Once you have the stem, add the appropriate ending to form the command.

Command endings for -ar verbs

Affirmative familiar singular


Habla con ella. / Talk to her.

Negative familiar singular


No cierres la puerta. / Don’t close the door.

Affirmative and negative formal singular


No fume en el colegio. / Don’t smoke in the school.

Affirmative familiar plural


Tomad un lápiz. / Take a pencil.

Negative familiar plural


No lo neguéis. / Don’t deny it.

Affirmative and negative formal plural


Tomen los libros de la mesa. / Take the books off the table.

Command endings for -er and –ir verbs

Affirmative familiar singular


Escribe una carta a tu abuela. / Write a letter to your grandma.

Negative familiar singular


No comas la torta. / Don’t eat the cake.

Affirmative and negative formal singular


Tenga cuidado. / Be careful.

Affirmative familiar plural

-ed for –er verbs and –id for –ir verbs

Seguid las instrucciones. / Follow the instructions.

Negative familiar plural


No pidáis más tiempo. / Don’t ask for more time.

Affirmative and negative formal plural


No vengan hasta las dos. / Don’t come until two o’clock.

Irregular Commands

When using second person familiar affirmative commands, the following verbs have irregular forms:

decir – di

hacer – haz

ir – ve

poner – pon

salir – sal

ser – sé

tener – ten

venir – ven

All other forms of these verbs follow the usual rules for forming Spanish commands.

Continued practice with forming and understanding commands in Spanish will help you develop your overall language fluency.