Review These Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum Guidelines to Assess 3rd Grade Readiness

Review These Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum Guidelines to Assess 3rd Grade Readiness
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In the 2nd grade you’ll cover a lot of the information children learned in 1st grade. It just goes a little more in depth with each concept. Math does introduce some new concepts and is probably the area where students will learn the most. Use this checklist to make sure that your child has acquired all of the knowledge they should have in order to move on to 3rd grade.


  1. Ability to add and subtract.
  2. Ability to understand word problems with addition and subtraction.
  3. Recognize and write basic fractions.
  4. Ability to count money and the change.
  5. Full grasp of shapes including three dimensional.
  6. Understand graphs and their labels.
  7. Ability to read graphs to gain information.
  8. Ability to build a graph to collect data.
  9. Understand liquid measurements.
  10. Able to use a ruler to measure items.
  11. Ability to read a clock by 5 minutes.
  12. Completely grasp a calendar and all information in it.
  13. Read a thermometer in degrees Fahrenheit.
  14. Identify information in a word problem when there is extra information and be able to solve.
  15. Understand how to use a calculator to add and subtract.
  16. Write numbers up to 1,000.
  17. Count by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, and 10’s.

Language Arts

  1. Able to read 2nd grade readers fluently.
  2. Have a full grasp of phonics. Long vowels, short vowels, and consonant blends.
  3. Practice emphasis when reading.
  4. Able to use proper punctuation at the end of the sentence such as a period, question mark, and exclamation point.
  5. Able to grasp the use of quotation marks and when to use them.
  6. Identify the beginning, middle, and ending of a story.
  7. Work on 10 vocabulary words per week.
  8. Work on 10 spelling words per week.
  9. Practice journal writing daily.
  10. Able to write their own story.
  11. Learn to proofread.
  12. Understand settings and characters in a story.
  13. Understand the first person and the third person.
  14. Place the story in the order that it happened (1st, 2nd, 3rd).
  15. Able to identify plural words.


  1. Understand observation.
  2. Able to collect and record data.
  3. Able to map out constellations.
  4. Able to use a microscope.
  5. Able to conduct an experiment and write it out with a Hypothesis and Conclusion.
  6. Identify the three forms of matter.
  7. Understand force and its effects on objects.
  8. Understand magnets.
  9. Understand motion.
  10. Grasp the concept of organisms.
  11. Understand the plant and animal life cycle.
  12. Understand animal habitats.
  13. Classify rocks.
  14. Investigate and understand fossils.
  15. Observe weather in different parts of the world.
  16. Identify the phases of the moon.
  17. Understand natural resources.
  18. Have a full grasp of recycling.

Social Studies

  1. Understand what a citizen is and their role in society.
  2. Fully understand communities and your role in them.
  3. Understand and research holidays from around the world.
  4. Discuss other cultures and how they are different (foods, clothing).
  5. Understand and create a time-line.
  6. Understand transportation.
  7. Able to read and create a map with a key and a scale.
  8. Understand weather around the world.
  9. Begin to identify continents on a map.
  10. Understand jobs.
  11. Understand what an income is.
  12. Have a full grasp on needs and wants.
  13. Learn the terms consumers and producers.
  14. Discuss laws and their importance.
  15. Understand natural resources and ways people can save energy.