Guided Reading and SQR3 for Struggling Readers

Guided Reading and SQR3 for Struggling Readers
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SQR3 Reading Skills

The acronym SQR3 stands for the following methodology of reading and comprehension written materials:

  • Survey: Students should survey the book “Romeo and Juliet” to get an idea on what they will be reading as a required book for LA 10. Cliff notes might be helpful in providing a general overview of the book.
  • Question: In the Guided Reading techniques, you might want to to turn the main ideas into questions you want to answer for Chapter 1.
  • Read: Reading the required Chapters and following the teachers instructional expectations are imperative in books like “Romeo and Juliet.” You will need to complete the assigned reading to keep up with class discussions and writing assignments.
  • Recite: This is a great memorization technique that will get you into the habit of vocalizing what you have read. You might want to read sections out loud to get a feel for the different communication styles and writing depicting the time period.
  • Review: Take notes and review them daily to keep a perspective on the main ideas and details in understanding each Chapter of the book. If you need clarity in reviewing your notes, you can meet with your teacher and have reflective discussions and get feedback as the story of “Romeo and Juliet” unfolds during the school quarter.

Guided Reading Techniques

Whether you are reading a textbook, comic book, study guide or a letter from a good friend, you can use guided reading techniques to enhance your comprehension of the written word. Using guided reading techniques, use the following format to capture the core learning objectives of what you’re reading.

Assignment: Book: Romeo and Juliet

1. For each chapter of the book “Romeo and Juliet” write a summary description of at least 3 visual aids from each chapter (locations, descriptive narratives, family trees etc). See the example from Chapter 1 below:

  • Description of geographical location of homesteads for both Romeo and Juliet
  • Social lineage that defines the family lines for both characters (draw family trees)
  • How Romeo and Juliet were bought together as friends first (narratives)

2. Pick out the main ideas for Chapter 1 and list at least two details that support the main ideas.

  • Main Idea #1 Romeo and Juliet come from opposing family lineages
  • Details: See family tree and facts from the book
  • Main Idea #2 Romeo and Juliet are socio-economically wealthy back in their time period
  • Details: Where they live and how they live
  • Main Idea #3 Both families don’t want Romeo and Juliet to meet each other.
  • Details: Narrative on pages 23 and 24 support main idea premise

3. Create a graphic organizer to sequence the main ideas listed above in order of occurrence. For example Detail #2 would be first, then Detail #3 next and Detail #1 last.

4. Have students write a summary paragraph for Chapter 1 supporting or refuting the main ideas and details listed in #s 2 and 3.

I’ve found these methods quite helpful for struggling readers. Have you used them in your classroom? What works for you?