Activities for Summer Fun: Learn How to Plant an Indoor Garden

Activities for Summer Fun: Learn How to Plant an Indoor Garden
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Activities for Summer Fun

Summer offers the perfect backdrop to teach students about nature and how plants grow. Use worksheets to complement the lessons and visually show your students the growing process of plants. There are many free printable coloring pages for young students to learn about plants. Allow students to gain first-hand experience by growing indoor gardens.

Plant Anatomy

Fun classroom activities for young students to learn about plant anatomy include illustrated worksheets. Print out simple plant anatomy worksheets for students to complete. Discuss the four main parts of the plant with students. Instruct them to properly label the worksheet.

1. Flower-Explain to them that the flowers on plants produce seeds, which are used to grow new plants.

  1. Leaves-Next, explain to the students that the leaves of the plants are used to capture sunlight and convert it into energy. This energy is food for the plant that takes place through a process called photosynthesis.

3. Roots-Discuss with the students how the roots of the plants are responsible for taking food and water out of the soil. The roots store the energy they capture, which helps the plant grow.

4. Stem-Finally, discuss with the students that the stem of the plant is the main support area.

Indoor Garden

You class can easily grow an indoor garden in the classroom for summer fun. Each student will need an empty yogurt container or small plastic cup for flower pots. No matter what you choose to use, poke a small hole in the bottom for the soil to drain. Buy a bag of potting soil to plant the seeds in. Before you have your students plant their seeds, have them design their cup with paints or markers. There are multiple different types of seeds that can be used to grow an indoor garden. Dried pinto beans are good to use and they grow quickly.

Allowing your students to grow an indoor garden is a great way to teach them about the growing process of plants with fun classroom activities. You can have them keep a log of their plant’s progress as it grows. After the plants have grown past the sprouting stage, allow your students to take their plants home to plant and continue to care for them as they grow.

Additional Resources

Garden Fun

Garden Fun: Indoors & Out, in Pots & Small Spots (Quick Starts for Kids!) by Vicki Congdon.


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