Teaching Chinese Comparison Words ’bǐjiào’ and ‘gèng’

Teaching Chinese Comparison Words ’bǐjiào’ and ‘gèng’
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1. Explain the meaning and usage of the adverb 比较【bǐjiào】 with examples.

2. Explain the meaning and usage of the adverb 更【gèng】 with examples.

3. Give the similar examples of the adverbs 比较【bǐjiào】and 更【gèng】to show the differences.

4. The usage of 比【bǐ】with 比较【bǐjiào】 or 更【gèng】in a sentence.

I.Examples of the Adverb 比较【bǐjiào】

Here 比较【bǐjiào=relatively, rather, fairly, quite】 is used on the pretext of comparison. If the context is clear, the object of comparison is usually omitted.

Example 1:

The price here is relatively reasonable.

这里【zhèlǐ=here】 价钱【jiàqián=price】 比较【bǐjiào=relatively】 合理【hélǐ=reasonable】。

这里 价钱 比较 合理。

Example 2:

They rather like to eat Chinese food.

他们【tāmen=they】比较【bǐjiào=rather】 喜欢【xǐhuān=like】 吃【chī=eat】 中国【Zhōngguó=Chinese】 菜【cài=food】。

他们 比较 喜欢 吃 中国 菜。

Example 3:

The mountain path is quite slippery.

山路【shānlù= mountain path】比较【bǐjiào=quite】滑【huá=slippery】。

山路 比较 滑。

Sometimes 比较【bǐjiào】is used to suggest a meaning close to “quite” when the thing is compared with the normal standard or rather on an average basis.

Everyone knows that mountain path is quite slippery. You don’t need to experience it by yourself (it’s normal standard) so 比较【bǐjiào】here means ‘quite’.

II. Examples of 更【gèng】

The adverb 更 【gèng=more, even more】is used to compare with an object that can be not mentioned in the sentence but understood by context. It works with adjectives, psycho-emotional verbs and some adverbs.

Example 1:

He is becoming even taller.

他 【tā=he】 更【gèng=even more】 高【gāo=tall】 了【le】。

他 更 高 了。

Example 2:

I think dumpling and steam dumpling are tasty, but I prefer dumpling.

I think dumpling and steam dumpling are tasty, but I like dumpling more.

我【wǒ=I】觉得【juéde= think】饺子【jiǎozi=dumpling】 和【hé=and】 烧麦【shāomai=a steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top】 都【dōu=all】 好吃【hǎochí= delicious, tasty】,但是【dànshì=but】 我【wǒ=I】 更【gèng=more】 喜欢【xǐhuān=like】 饺子【jiǎozi=dumpling】。

我 觉得 饺子 和 烧麦 都 好吃,但是 我 更 喜欢 饺子。

III. Similar Examples of Adverbs比较【bǐjiào】and 更【gèng】

a. 比较【bǐjiào=relatively】and 更【gèng=more】.

Example 1:

Which book is relatively interesting?

哪【nǎ=which】 一【yī=a】 本【běn=a measure word for books】 书【shū=book】 比较【bǐjiào=rather】 好看【hǎokàn=interesting】?

哪 一本 书 比较 好看?

Example 2:

Which book is more interesting?

哪【nǎ=which】 一【yī=a】 本【běn=a measure word for books】 书【shū=book】 【gèng= more】 好看【hǎokàn=interesting】?

哪 一本 书 好看?

b. 比较【bǐjiào=rather】and 更【gèng=more】.

Example 1:

All books are interesting, I don’t know which one I rather like.

所有【suǒyǒu=all】的【de】书【shū=book】 都【dōu】 好看【hǎokàn=interesting】,我【wǒ=I】 不【bù=not】 知道【zhīdào=know】 自己【zìjǐ=oneself】 比较【bǐjiào=rather】喜欢【xǐhuān=like】 哪【nǎ=which】 一【yī=one】 本【běn=a measure word for books】。

所有 的 书 都 好看,我 不 知道 自己 比较 喜欢 哪 一 本。

Example 2:

All books are interesting, I don’t know prefer which one.

All books are interesting, I don’t know which one I like more.

所有【suǒyǒu=all】 的【de】 书【shū=book】 都【dōu】 好看【hǎokàn=interesting】,我【wǒ=I】 不【bù=not】知道【zhīdào=know】 自己【zìjǐ=oneself】 更【gèng=more】 喜欢【xǐhuān=like】 哪【nǎ=which】 一【yī=one】 本【běn=a measure word for books】。

所有 的 书 都 好看,我 不 知道 自己 更 喜欢 哪 一 本。

IV. Using 比【bǐ】 with 比较【bǐjiào】 or 更【gèng】 in a Sentence

Example 1:

She is relatively happiness than before.

Literary means, “Compared with previously, she is relatively happiness”.

她【tā=she】 【bǐ=compare】 以前【yǐqián=before】 比较【bǐjiào=relatively】幸福【xìngfú=happiness, well being】

以前 比较 幸福。

Example 2:

She is more happiness than before.

Literary means, “Compared with previously, she is more happiness”.

她【tā=she】 【bǐ=compare, than】 以前【yǐqián=before】 【gèng=more】 幸福【xìngfú=happiness, well being】。

以前 幸福。